nefarious yeets · 11 answers · 4y

If you lose the back of your TV remote and you can't find it anywhere, do you leave the batteries exposed, slap some tape over them, or just try to replace the remote?

I leave the batteries exposed and constantly touch them and drop them and lose them.

Well, to begin with I don't have a TV. But if I had a TV and I lost the back of my remote, I wouldn't worry about it. I have an app installed on my phone that can be used as a remote controller for lots of electronic devices that can be controlled with a remote.

I haven't had that problem since I was a dumb kid and would break the battery covers, but back then we'd just wrap a rubber band a couple times around the remote to keep the batteries in. I guess that's where my bondage kink started

If there were a few more possibilities, this would be like one of those good/neutral/evil alignments. Anyway unless I'm having an issue with the batteries staying, I'm leaving them open - I'm pretty sure there is no dimensional rift in my sofa and the thing will turn up eventually

Just leave them exposed unless they keep coming out in which case probably tape them.

Just leave the batteries exposed, unless they keep calling out tbh then I'd just throw it at the tv

If use some tape.. Actually it's what I've done many times because I'm clumsy and it's not that I lost the back of the remote. I just smashed accidentally on the floor so many times that I ended breaking it. 😭😅

I never had that happen, but I would use tape for as long as my intensive search would need and if it fails order a replacement remote. But I would intensely question myself how I could lose it without my knowledge .... and probably would come up with an answer that inevitably would contain "beer" or "wine" in it tbh.

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