nefarious yeets · 8 answers · 1y

When you're not enjoying your work, do you ever try to make it "fun" or at least less unenjoyable? If you do, what kinds of things do you do to make doing your job "fun"?

I've spent my whole life masking, and part of that is pretending I'm having a good time even when I'm really not. It's just second nature now, so much so that it usually does feel like I'm having a good time. My desire to NOT be seen as a sour person/someone with a bad attitude is just that strong that it's subconscious now. I truly faked it til I maked it

Not really, I am completely over feigning any sort of enthusiasm for work, it is simply the means to an end, and I will always resent having to do it, anything I have to do for a living is diametrically opposed to fun/enjoyment

I make it a challenge to breathe some sort of life into it. Usually if I’m having a good time, the kids are too. I can’t do that for everything, though. Some things are bland, boring, yuck…

When work is not funny or enjoyable, my workmates are the only thing that can make it better and worthy. I mean...we always find ways to make the work days funnier. We joke and make sth goofy.

Yes I try to make my life more entertaining and more beautiful and more happy. That includes job. I entertain myself with anticipating my boss' answers on my questions, tailoring my proposals to him accordingly and trick him into doing things in my way and make it look as if it was his idea. That is a funny art form.

I’ve found a mountain of cakes can make a shitty job so much easier to bear for all concerned. Pizza has a similar effect. As does taking them all out for a Full English (breakfast) - this works especially well if it’s a Sunday. Shouting, “The drinks are on me!” across the floor can work wonders.

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