Junya Harrow

Long story short, you're here, in whatever means, and that's enough as a sign.

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Aurich Heindelz · 53 answers · 3mo

If today is your last day on earth, what would you do?

Saying goodbyes to people I like, and spent rest of the time with myself, I need to give a proper thanks to this mundane body of mine that keeps me company for my time here on earth.

Aurich Heindelz · 68 answers · 6mo

What you love so much of being your parents' kid?

Gebiel Edelio · 10 answers · 5mo

If you on "me time" what's your favorite things to do?

Reading a shit ton of things while ignoring all the damned notifications from every living being.

Daniel Leo · 11 answers · 7mo

For scientific purposes, kalian lebih suka sabun yang finishnya licin apa keset?

Cameron. · 3 answers · 6mo

What is your all time favorite movie and why?

𓆩♡𓆪 𝅄 ⋆ · 12 answers · 7mo

another query: what's your wishes for 2024? do you have personal goal you'd like to achieve next year? 🎀🤍

ashleeey! 🐈 · 7 answers · 7mo


Reyan G. · 4 answers · 7mo

Long time no see! Apa kabar kalian? Gimana seminggu pertama di 2024-nya?

Nadine · 136 answers · 7mo

If you had the opportunity to study a mystery, which one place would you find interesting?
A. Space
B. Undersea

A butthole · 7mo

selamat ulang tahun, kakak! karena kita nggak bisa ngobrol langsung, boleh dong update-nya, apa hari ini sudah makan enaaak? sebelum tahun ini habis, kakak pengen apa... may everything you wish will find you. and may your love reach you too, yaap? merry december. keep in mind that you’re forever loved!

Thank you, love. We should be talking, kapan-kapan. But anyway, today's meal is cake for breakfast and dinner, I skipped everything in between, hmm gak tahu nih lagi pengen apa, mungkin nanti? And thank you for your wishes. Merry december.

kana · 23 answers · 8mo

kalau dikasih waktu 1 hari buat jalan-jalan sama idolmu, kamu mau jalan-jalan sama siapa?

Siapa yaa, gak dehh, gak pengen personally kenal sama idol soalnya, I'll keep them as an idol and an idol only.

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