tunAa! 😼 · 19 answers · 1y

Have any plans for today???

i’m going to watch fast x on 3D with my bESSTTfriendd because i’ve been waiting this for yearss!! yuhuuuuu

Mm by the time I answered this question, yes? Setelah Ibadah Minggu mungkin mau qtime sama keluarga.

today's schedule is just laying on my bed all day, watch some series i guess? aku kepingin rewatch duty after skul :D

Just layin in bed cause im lazy today, need much energy for go to work on monday 🤙🏻

ARGGHH STUDYING and as much as I hate it, I have to get it done. T_T Please wish me luck!

It's the weekend right? Maybe the plan is to still relax at home while editing photos or watching YouTube. My favorites!

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