Serina · 9 answers · 17d

What's a food you haven't gotten to try yet but really want to?

none! i am so very autistic about my food and textures that i can eat about. 5 ? ish meals

I'm going to cheat because I have had it, but it's now virtually extinct in my area. Mississippi mudpies.

Tiramisu. I mean I have had some before, but only the industrial stuff, not from a restaurant or a bakery or anything. I ordered the ingredients and will try to make some at home soon, even though cooking or baking is a huge struggle for me…

like, half of what they show in Delicious in Dungeon :p

Thankfully while I still don't seek out new foods to try all that much I'm at least nowhere near as picky as I used to be. I have a much better idea of what things I'll fall in love with now, but I'll at least try most things.

I want to try (almost) every popular meal from every country. So basically, if there is a known meal from a country I haven't been to, then it is on the list.

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