Naratama. · 13 answers · 12mo

What do you want to say to yourself in the future?

Enjoy the great life you had. The present me will always working hard to make the best life you will ever had. Never feel enough, the end is not the ending.

“Hello, older me! I do believe you’ve finally let go all the pain and moved on with life. Guess you still are the same delulu girl I know but wiser! Keep doing a great work, I’m so proud of you, Older Me.” ☆

aku bakal bilang ke diriku kayak gini, "CIE JADI ANAK UPENN/YONSEI" and then congrulate myself because i've been survive sampe sekarang dan bisa kerja di kedutaan.

Hi tuna! Are you living well? please don't be too hard on yourself and remember to always give positive energy to others. You did great, I'm very proud of you.

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