Linus · 11 answers · 9mo

hey what's your all time favorite movie that always give you peace and comfort? i need some recommendation

One of them would be the live action adaptation of “Kimi Ni Todoke” (2010). There’s also an anime adaptation and a newer version (live action adaptation 2023 version), but I like the 2010 best.

Probably The Grand Budapest Hotel. I know some people think it was rather bland or even boring. But I truthfully enjoy every bit of its scenes. Another film (if I may recommend you two), is Harry Potter the third movie, Prisoner of Azkaban.

if someone asks like this then my answer is always Avengers, The Maze Runner and Harry Potter. I don't think it's familiar anymore but it's my favorite

silent voice! pls watch it.. kalau ditonton sekali mungkin kurang err sama alurnyaa, aku setelah beberapa kali rewatch baru nyadarin ada banyak aspek dalam ntuu anime movie. sedih bangeet gakuat, katakuu relate sama trauma kehidupan sekarang

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