Wasserpistole · 12 answers · 4y

When do you want to retire? / Wann möchtest du in Rente gehen?

Lets be honest,its not happening for our generation. Boomers and the gen before them may have been the special blip in history where anybody has been able to retire at all.

When I can be stuck in a self-sufficient can buried in a hole somewhere plugged into acceptable VR.

idk, that's not something I think I can decide at this time in my life. my goal is to find a job/career that I find important, fulfilling, and fun and if I do that, I might want to retire later than the typical 65. but also my body could break down sooner than that? I don't know

Soon as I can really. Ideally before 65 - if possible (given I want to retire in style).

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