Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

AMoonRabbit · 8 answers · 1y

Do you hear the voices? What are they saying?

I hear my inner voice sending me spiraling down some negative thoughts way too often. The conclusion is usually that I'm stuck in life with no way out, or that I wish I didn't exist.

"A pizza is not an open-faced sandwich, a hot dog is not a sandwich, neither is a taco, or a wrap, or burrito, or whatever the hell else has something stuffed inside some kind of starch, those things already have names, they don't need a sandwich classification, give it a rest geez"


They tell me everyday that I should kill myself and that no one cares about and no one would care if I was gone.

They tell me I'm a terrible person everyday day usually twice a day they tell me to drink bleach/hang myself and shoot myself in the head and self harm.

They tell me I am worthless trash and scum of the earth and don't understand why or how I am still a lover everyday.

They tell me I am used up garbage. I could go on but I'll stop here.

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