@liz£h · 10 answers · 4y

Would you rather live somewhere that is dry and hot all year round or in a place that has clearly different seasons? Or in some other kind of climate?

I live in the desert so 2/3 of the year is hot and the other 1/3 is cold-ish, but it's almost always dry. I like the dryness. I do wish it were hot all year round. I grew up in a temperate climate so maybe it is the novelty, who knows

Sunlight makes me queasy but I hate being cold. Ideally, I would live in a warm underground barrow

I just wanna live somewhere that's mild year-round man. Canada is so temperamental and it's irritating.

I would pass on hot and dry, If I had to pick one type of weather year round I would go with cool and sunny ... I'm all about fall and winter; summer is overrated - I will be in Iceland if you wanna come fight me 😛

There is something humbling about living in a place with seasons. Not sure I'd like what living in LA would do to me.

I like outdoor activities and cannot stand cold weather so warm throughout the year

I like my seasons. Wouldn't mind arid climate either, doesn't feel as bad when it's hot compared to humid places.

When I was in Arizona the dry and medium hot almost-desert was so good for me. But the fog and rain and sea climate in Scotland is so good for me too, I cannot decide!

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