ROUGE. · 12 answers · 9mo

What makes you fall in love with your crush/lover?

My dear lover boy G, his kindness, compassion, genuine nature, and literally everything illuminate every interaction as they’re leaving a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to know him (ME!) His presence brings comfort and joy, his ability to make others feel valued and understood… make him an individual whose essence is nothing short of perfect for me. C:

I don’t have any, but I think.. typing? 😅 but this is serious, I can fall in love just by looking at how they type. When they show how sexy they are.

How he likes to listen out my random rants and how he handles me best than i can.

uhm the reason i fall in love with Zhang Hao? just like what Sung Hanbin said, Zhang Hao just simply exist already give me strength and brings me so much joy, happiness, and laughter in my life. sjdhsksk sorry i don't have any crush or lover because why should i have one if i already have Zhang Hao in my life?

Ici cantik banget, pengen gue makan saking cantik-nya. Mana lucu banget weh. Boleh ga sih hap pacar sendiri?

I don't have one in the moment but I tend to fall in love with someone I admire. It's usually their personality, how they treat other people around them.

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