Pandy · 10 answers · 3y

What was the dumbest thing you got in trouble for during your upbringing and school days?

Learning to whistle loud with my fingers. I nearly expelled from the boarding school because I whistled too much to the point that it grated the principal's nerves.

teacher let me go to the bathroom during class and the principal saw me and hauled me back to class because he assumed I was lying that the teacher said it was OK, anyway there was usually a blanket denial of any restroom trips whatsoever and that is controlling and maybe even abusive BS

Doing cartwheels or performing unsafe “maneuvers” on the bars on the playground. 35 sentences for each infraction. It was the dumbest rule ever.

Tasing people with one of those electric fire starters found on propane grills. I actually got suspended from school for a week over it.

🙃 I've never been caught 😇I could sneak out students from their class as a Senior in HS (because all teachers trusted me.) I've done things I can't say because ( reasons) and I've never been arrested so... Let's say I'm good at being innocent.

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