Pandy · 12 answers · 1y

How do you spot the difference between someone being nice (because they are a nice person) and someone being nice as an attempt to get close to you?

Apparently I can't! In the first week that I was here, I encountered two people that were nice to me out of the blue. My first thought was "WOW! People are so nice here!" But then they started asking me to join their Bible studies and pray for our lord and savior Jesus Christ! Actually the first time I couldn't say no because the person was asking very nicely and repeatedly and since I didn't want to seem rude, I joined their Bible study and sat there for 20 minutes listening to a Bible story!

I don’t, usually because it doesn’t really matter all that much to me. I just assume the person is kind.

Body language has a lot to do with it - I’m speaking about real life here, online is a whole different kettle of fish. Lots of smiling and actual physical closeness. Looking in your eyes - for a second or two longer than necessary. You smile, they smile. Mirroring your movements. More smiling. Maybe a light touch. Smiley faces. Slightly raised eyebrows. Did I mention the smiling?

I don't know how attractive people do it, but it's easy for me. Theyre always just being nice for the sake of nice. And I'm always just being nice because I'm trying to distract them from how many cans of PAM I'm about to shoplift

I don't care, if they're being nice I'm just going to enjoy it - harsh truth of life is that people deal with you because they want something from you...not necessarily anything material, perhaps just some affection and care, or company, or maybe just a vibe... but the point is that if you provide nothing to anyone, you will have exactly zero people wanting to get close to you

I let time pass and tell me the answer. I'm not able to discern that instantly.

No one can keep up being nice forever if it's not innate in you I find. You'd have to be an exceptional actor to do that. People always let their true motives slip

I'm stupid in that sense. I'll always think people are just nice because that's how they are.

Let's talk about blocking's not working. So it's not nice nor and attempt to get close to whatever.

I don't know, if they ask you out, they're trying to get close to you? :p Also I feel like someone who's just trying to get close to you would be more agreeable/less likely to express disagreement about anything.

Being nice with a distance and being nice searching closeness differ in the attempted distance. When they come closer and you do alike you'll sense them increasing the distance when it's too close for them. There is however no fixed distance. People differ. It is always a bit of a risk to do that extra step forward that might clear things.

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