Pandy · 11 answers · 4y

How do you react to charity or religious people trying to talk to in public and at your doorstep?

That hasn't happened in years. One time, a guy asked me if I'd "heard about Jesus Christ?" and I just said, "Yes" and he nodded and left me alone. I never got another chance to try that again, maybe it works every time or maybe he was really tired from loving jesus so hard all day.


Try to be nice without appearing receptive, assuming I can't avoid them outright.

I just ignore them. Most of the ones asking for money are full of shit anyway and the religious ones are just annoying. Literally nobody on planet Earth wants to talk to them idk why they even waste their time

At home I am unlikely to answer, but in public and if I have time, I kind of like engaging with them. I'm always honest and tell them I'm not a believer, but I'll listen and ask questions...they present faith and I present doubt, that kind of thing. Or they say that shit about the difference between knowing his path for you and walking that path and maybe my doubt serves his will in some way, then they'll invite me to church and I never go (sad trombone)

I try to politely decline unless they're being pushy about it. Pamphlet religious rubes are annoying af sometimes.

When I got the time I try to convince them Buddhism is better in every aspect than their own ideas.

I listen and then usually respectfully decline whatever they are offering/asking for. With charity I usually make a small donation if I feel it is something that is of interest or good cause. I usually ask what portion of my donation actually goes to x cause before doing so though.

I'm polite to them, but I hate it. They're pushy and I'm just trying to mind my own business. We had lots of "God the mother" people on my college campus and once they stopped me when I was walking to a meeting, and I had 1 minute left to get there and it was going to take me 3 minutes to arrive. They stopped me, and even when I told them I was going to be late, they still tried to take up my time, insisting it would only be a """""minute""""" (it never is a minute). I was firm and insisted I couldn't stop at all. anyway, I think it's weird bullshit and I wish they wouldn't

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