Chris CM. Martinez · 9 answers · 3y

we have 14.8 million cases of covid in the US. 280,000 dead. awful and it is but that's only a little over a 1.5% death rate. That's nothing. U can step off a curb and are more likely to die. relax its not Armageddon 😆

and thats with lockdown and other controls... perhaps if it wasn't for that you would have that 'armageddon'?

Americans are so forgetting. Recall the Twin Towers. That caused the whole nation to get into gear finishing off Al Kaida and their leaders. Compare it to the current death toll. I do not wish the entire nation would be getting into gear finishing off the promoters, masterminds and leaders into this disaster, but I would have expected a bit more than just painfully lame nothings.

We are kinda lucky that the virus isnt as bad as viruses from other deadly pandemics, but imo 280000 is a lot. If you just read the number it seems very abstract but there was a personal tragedy behind each death

It may not sound like a lot when you consider it as a percentage, but 280,000 is a lot of deaths. Especially when they're preventable. We're having 3/4ths of a 9/11 every day. Way more people dying of covid than die stepping off curbs.

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