cLOUD · 10 answers · 12mo

Do you judge and/or give advice to parents while not being a parent yourself ? (Ps, having nieces/newphews/baby sitting experience/pets does not count as being a parent.)

I don't give advice when it's not asked for, but yeah I do have thoughts and opinions on parenting because I'm somebody child and also actively trying to heal my own relationship with my parents.

No, I don't give parents unsolicited advice, unless it looks like the child is in danger, then all bets are off.

I think we're all judging as we interpret the world we're interacting with. But generally if I don't have a confident opinion about something and an opinion is not asked of me - I'll just keep to myself :)

When it's solicited, I do give advice. Not about how to parenting bc i have zero idea but maybe other point of views, choices, etc..Even when kids, they're still humans with their own personalities and needs. They need to be understood and not only parents can do that.

Even though I’m a parent, I do not give other parents advice if it isn’t solicited. I keep my mouth shut. 🤐

I only judge parents when they misbehave. Their children not so much. Even when I'm about to kill them. :D

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