Raphael J. · 42 answers · 1y

If there was a day where you were free to do anything without any restrictions, what would you like to do? And who's the lucky person brought by you?

I’ll fly here and there and try various kind of food I’ve always wanted to eat. I don’t know who will I bring, but perhaps someone who loves food as well so it’ll be fun?

Hello, Raphael J! What an interesting question you have here. It took an hour for me to decide what I want to do in life, my deepest desire. It would be spending a day with mon l’amour de ma vie. Strolling around Eiffel Tower, go to secondhand bookstores in London, visit cute cafés and art galleries, go shopping on Fifth Avenue New York, or have a picnic in Switzerland. I have so many date ideas that I really want to do with my dearly beloved one.

As of now I’d love to spend a day in my room, have enough sleep, eat delicacy meals, rewatch my favorite movie or discover new series, read the books that have been staying on my desk since forever, jamming to the bop I used to listen to.

Well, on that case I would make it simple: I don’t want to do much, but I really want to isolate myself on a manor, enjoying a cup of tea by seeing how the sun’s ray fall on the tree in my garden. Locking myself in the library by noon, trying to reach the top of the shelf and fallen asleep by reading books that I love and end it by climbing up a tree to get a new perspective while stargazing at night. The luckiest person that I’d brought is I, me, and myself.

Um, my days has been quite packaged lately and if there was a day where I was free to do anything, absolutely I'll go to the beach, do nothing, no handphone, just take deep breath and cleanse my mind. I usually do that alone but sadly, I don't have time for myself. Oh, for the second question, I'm not gonna bring anyone.

having a picnic date!!! 🧺🥨 nanti main main di taman, duduk sambil lihatin hijau hijau sambil makan pizza, kue kue lucu sambil ngobrol ngobrol <3 I would love to go with my loved ones 🫣 ( since I have no one yet so.... nanti aja kapan kapan kalo udah punya :D )

My sweetest and loveliest person beside me, I will bring him everywhere and take him under the tree while our fingers wear rings. So we can live forever more.

Bank robbery, I will ask my fellow Sakya-mania to do the robbery. Together we'll be a good robbers. (lovingly)

mmm.. aku enggak tau mau ngapain t^t && aku enggak akan bawa orang, kayanya aku bakal bawa gugukku!

i'd go to scotland, i heard that place is dope. oh if a cat is counted, then my bolu will be the answer.

If the restrictions included money then I want to travel far away enjoying life and youth. But I wouldn't take anyone else with me.

I’d probably just sleep through the day. I’d make the most of it by recharging my batteries, and sleeping was the only way I could truly rest. I wouldn’t bring anyone; it’ll just be me, myself, and I.

i'm going to a small island a little far from the city, alone. i'm not taking anyone with me because i want to enjoy a day without feeling tired.

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