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inhahe · 13 answers · 11mo

Is stupidity/low intelligence a character flaw?

No, I don't think so, unless you're talking about ignorance, which can be willful. If you aren't as intelligent but still make the most of your life, then that's not a bad thing!

Hmm... not inherently. But I think it can be a character flaw, say if people make a habit of neglecting opportunities to learn and reflect or say people who are overconfident about an opinion they've not researched.

Being stupid can be the result of education, teaching and lack thereof, maybe also the lack of mental capabilities. As such I would hesitate to call it a part of the character. Low intelligence might form the character and impact life in strong ways too but it is also not part of a character. Being stupid might make you socially awkward but it doesn't necessarily make you socially inapt or evil.

no, their circumstances could have prevented an education, and if they were born without the ability to store/process information quickly or whatever, that doesn't speak to their character...I'd say the real problem is lack of curiosity , a lack of effort or willingness to learn and grow - like I know people who don't know a lot but will ask questions and try to learn, and I'm happy to answer the same question a thousand times if it helps them and it's fine

Depends. I don't think "intelligence" is a single, measurable thing, but a whole bunch of different things. Deliberate ignorance, or unwillingness to learn, is a character flaw. Failure to understand certain concepts is usually just a skill someone lacks. Mental disabilities are mental disabilities.

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