Dingus · 9 answers · 3y

Say you fell in love with a Retrospringer, how would proceed from there? May I call a psychologist?

I'd trim my body hair to look like their face, go to the tallest hill in the area, strip naked and scream 'XX, WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME!?!?!?!!?!?'

I would hope if it got to the point of feelings then it’s reciprocated, otherwise it’ll be embarrassing, and I would need a truck full of psychologists and therapists and just call everyone 😭

Check their romantic preferences on social media, and depending on the results, find a way to contact them. Then I would pray to whatever deity is listening and work my way through their heart

just interact with them a lot, send them DMs, etc. try to get them to like me. maybe eventually ask if they want to teleconference, or maybe get their handle on other mediums where we can chat in realtime (and keep track of each other in case RS ever dies). etc.

Depends on how that RetroSpringer felt about me. But in your case, yes...you're late.

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