Dingus · 8 answers · 3y

Are there people you're friendly or even friends with but tend to avoid talking to for extended periods?

Neighbors. I cannot stand small talk. My nightmare is to run out for a quick errand and be held up by a chatty neighbor.

I don't avoid anyone I consider a friend, but I'm one of those people who is chill with not talking to people every single day. Honestly I can go for weeks without having to see people.

Yes, most of my friends (which by now can be considered former friends due to that)

Can't really think of anyone I actively avoid. If I don't like someone's company I don't try to lead them on or give them the wrong impression.

No anyone persistent and masochistic enough to be friends with me I want to spend as much time as I can with them

yeah, one of my best friends is a total asshole who is borderline narcissistic or psychopathic, so i usually only talk to him when he messages me first, and sometimes he goes for weeks without messaging me, he especially does it less often since I told how evil he is and kinda told him off a few months ago

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