Merida · 11 answers · 3y

How would you feel if your partner confessed you they are bisexual or that they dated other genders before you? Would it change anything between you both? Would that be a problem for you?

My previous g/f told me was dating other girls before me because she didn't trust men. It didn't make any difference to me. She was glad I didn't judge her for it.. I think she didn't understand the culture I come from. =p

i think nothing of it because in my experience it is very typical for the women i date to have dated men before they realize how fucking crusty men are 💕

Normal. Like in high school when girls would be talking about their experiences and experimenting bc they were trying to figure out some stuff

O wow, have you dated other genders ??? I've LIVED AS other genders, maybe get on my level, sweaty

It's happened, didn't change anything at all... it's not a huge deal, we've all got a past

I would feel to be on intimate terms when such a confession would be made. It is probably not easy to come out like this. And it isn't an yet unknown situation for me neither. Only that she didn't need to confess anything, I knew it before. I didn't affect me that she had a boyfriend before me as a girlfriend. She also had very short hair before we met and her hair grew longer and longer. Which also was no problem for me. I do not tend to expect an exclusive ownership of my partner, neither in the future nor in the past.

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