Merida · 9 answers · 2y

What's the difference between pretty, beautiful and gorgeous?

'Pretty' is limited to people and maybe some other living things. 'Beautiful' is more general, e.g. a painting can be beautiful. I guess when describing a person it's one notch up from pretty. 'Gorgeous' isn't a word I use, I guess it's what women use to describe men.

Pretty is attractive physically, beautiful is inside and out. Gorgeous is being smitten by them, attractively alluring I'd say.

I’d use pretty to describe a thing rather than a person - although it’s not a word I use much in that context. I’d use beautiful to describe an attractive woman. I’d use gorgeous to describe an attractive man.

Pretty. I turn around and watch. Beautiful: I turn around and stare and collide with something. Gorgeous: I turn around staring and drop my heart on the floor.

Hmmm I suppose looking pretty is like the entry level for natural beauty. Most people can look pretty if they look after themselves. But to be beautiful is to be the exception. As for being gorgeous, thats where someone beautiful dresses or behaves sexy and the viewer sees that and will recognise them for being gorgeous? Its all relative though... in short, I'd call a dog pretty and maybe even beautiful, but gorgeousness is reserved for some sexual attraction - and I'm not into dogs, even if they are beautiful haha

Pretty is, like, when you have style. Beautiful is like cute, but deeper. Gorgeous is full of expensive clothing/accessories

It's a state of mind. Pretty is like cute, Beautiful captures your attention but it could be fleeting. gorgeous is the measure of unbounding love and affection you have for someone. 😊

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