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Saori Kido · 41 answers · 6y

What do you think of love?

It's usually a nice feeling, but always thought it to be an emotional roller coaster of sorts

Saori Kido · 28 answers · 6y

What do you think of your partner for the marriage project?

Saori Kido · 52 answers · 6y

If you had to marry Shun, Seiya or Adrian who would you marry? (Anyone who says seiya is dead)

Saori Kido · 47 answers · 6y

What would you want your love interest to wear in the bedroom? ;D

Saori Kido · 37 answers · 6y

How do you normally get punished (or if you're an adult, how were you?) ie being grounding, having stuff taken away, being spanked, etc

Aderyn Ursa · 20 answers · 6y

If you could pick someone to get stuck on an island with, who would you pick and why? ;)

Saori Kido · 41 answers · 6y

If you could kill anyone and get away with it, who would you kill? And it can't be me~

Saori Kido · 26 answers · 6y

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you recently?

Almost getting caught acquiring something I'd been eyeing because I forgot to either turn my phone off or leave it at home...

Saori Kido · 28 answers · 5y

How would you feel if your partner wanted a polyamorous relationship?

I'd be questioning it, but I might give it a shot depending on who they'd want to join

Saori Kido · 20 answers · 5y

Would you sacrifice your brother or sister to save a bunch of random people you don't know?

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