Den · 8 answers · 2y

I remembered this thing existed kahsgjajs Anyways! For PokeOCs! What is the game (mainline or spin off) that you think your OC could in all honesty pass up as an official character?

I feel like Phillip, Polly and Albright could all fit as gym leaders/E4s in most main games, Albright probably locked to Unova for the American cowboy look.

Maybe a bit of a safe answer, I'd probably see Odd in Platinum, most like, maybe as some kind of lorekeeper/historian on Giratina

That or maybe as an employee at Cafe Sonata in the Black and White games

Avian, if Sword and Shield had an easy mode? He'd replace Raihan.

Arryn i'm designing specifically for SV in mind. However she travels a lot could appear as a rowdy tourist in Kalos or Alola... only to end up a boss in the battle tree/maison etc

Stahl doesn't appear in the games, he appears for a couple of episodes in the anime or the main character of a short series like Twilight Wings showing Galar and Macro Cosmos from a different perspective.

Hmmm possibly Pokémon cafe? But the issue is that they are all kinda meant to serve as “the everyday people” that are looked over but have roles in the world and their own stories.

SuMo or SwSh for Estella. She was born and raised in Galar but her story has her spend a good amount of time in Alola. She could be one of the tourist NPCs haha!

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