Sol. · 17 answers · 2mo

Hello, it's March already. How was your February, guys?

my feb was good enough. happily ever after hangout with my friends, doing some job and event, and through the journey. my personal rating was 7/10

hello sol! thank you for asking. but my february was bad. how about ur february though?

Mine was quite productive and filled with interesting conversations. Anything exciting planned for March?

February has been a mixed month for me, hopefully this March I can do everything well.

jujur berat, aku gatau maret ini bakal lebih berat atau engga, semoga aku bisa survive.

February went by very quickly and it made me feel exhausted.. I don't whyyy. The fact that I have to finish my work as soon as possible makes me unable to enjoy February properly. Hope that March brings good days for me 🌹

February went like I was living my last life (actually bad) but then March comes like a lion (wibu you got this reference) because IT'S SPRING ALREADY. But kudos to February for letting my love blossom that by the start of March I'm a blooming garden already. Life's still good, always. How was yours, Sol?

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