Kate Matsuda · 10 answers · 3y

When Elon Musk succeeds, would you settle on Mars one day?

Isn't it a super boring planet? and if it takes like 2 years to get there, it'll be a hard pass unless this place goes to hell.

No. Not because it’s living on another planet, it’s because of the really annoying, entitled, rich gits I’d have to be cooped up in the bubble with.

No, have fun on mars, dickweeds. Maybe the rest of us poors can put out a few of their fires if they're up on mars in and unable to light new ones on earth.

I'm not against the opportunity. But I get the feeling if Terraforming happens, it'll be over-priced to live there in my lifetime.

hell no, they can have their Randian utopia all to themselves, I'm happy to help them pack

Not unless he's got Mars proof animals, I'don't starve to death as a forced vegan.

Maybe once it has good scenery and a developed local Martian internet, because the latency from Earth would be ROUGH for streaming and gaming.

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