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Kate Matsuda · 7 answers · 7mo

Do you have a special way of dealing with a jet lag hungover sleep depraved feeling?

I prefer to give myself a full day to recover when I arrive, like if I am supposed to be there Tuesday for an event, I will get there Monday and be a layabout, order food, sit in the hot tub, whatever it takes to be ready for what's going on the next day

My hangover cure is drinking a pint of something cold (either a chocolate milkshake if I can stomach it or an icy cold glass of coca cola) with some pain killers, a cheeky wank, then an nap and by the time I awake I normally feel great. Maybe I don't get THAT hungover, but its worked every time for me.

A good bed and 30mg of diazepam will shut you off completely for like 12 hours. Just don't mind the side effects as it can induce sleep paralysis or other sorts of horrors.

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