LaDamaX · 10 answers · 1y

Most bizarre thought that’s crossed your mind?

I've probably forgotten it. But earlier this morning I thought, "what does it feel like to lay an egg?" and I made a mental note to Google that later, and then realized, you know, none of the animals that straight up poop eggs can talk so...

If some dead people don't leave us and their spirits are around us. Does it mean that they see EVERYTHING we do? Can this be the reason why we feel like someone is watching us when no one is around? :0

Had this odd thought that the global energy crisis was less to do with Putin and more to do with the world's governments recovering its COVID expenses from its citizens.

Sometimes I think of weird questions and have to Google them to find out if they've ever been asked and answered. Things like 'what is the terminal velocity of a blue whale' and 'If you had a light years-long stick and pushed it from one end, would the other end move at the same time?' My monkey brain doesn't like the answer to the latter. I get why it's no, but I don't like it.

When you send people to Mars, will they have sex and get pregnant during these many months and return as mutant men from Mars like in the movie "Mars Attacks" ?

That this is some kind of Matrix simulation only it's just me and you all are just bits of data being fed into my brain and you can all read my mind and I swear I was just joking about that one thing!! 😭

Normally the thought of stepping out in front of cars and stuff, but have no intention of doing anything like that

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