Qafka · 9 answers · 2y

What’s the worst thing about having you as a roommate?

I don’t like loud music. Wear your headphones or earbuds. I detest a messy kitchen and don’t leave your 💩 all over the place! Also, don’t talk my ears off first thing in the morning.

I talk a LOT. Lol 😂 I also like to listen to music and sing-along to them. I sleep very late (as late as 5am) and with dim lights too.

I promise not to get all political after having a few drinks, but next thing you know, I am the Senate

not personal, but I might avoid you and not talk to you, but then that's what some people might be looking for

Music on all the time - loud - and I’ll complain bitterly if you turn it off. Manic tidiness. The windows are always open. Use a fucking coaster!

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