RhymewithRay · 17 answers · 1y

What is the most difficult pokemon your oc has tried to train?

Grim with Thanatos, he listens to him, sometimes but their personalities clash too much. It'll work out in the end after a lot happens tho!

Jasmine: Her Torterra Andes, not because it was too strong or because he was too rebellious, Andes was just lazy even as a turtwig so it took her some months to actually disiciplne him.

Fausto’s Tyrantrum didn’t officially start listening to him until the final battle of his first arc, before that it was reckless and would do things at random which made it very hard to predict and train

For Briar it was definitely Charizard, because he was a bit shy and felt bad about burning targets to train or defeat other Pokémon so Briar really had to work with his personality in order to train him.

I'd say that Chandelure was also a bit difficult to train because he didn't fully obey Briar at first, but eventually he started obeying and it was smooth sailing from there.

Zekrom, you can't really train a legend. You just try to get each other's goals as closely aligned as possible

Bubu the Mimikyu! After his childhood incident with Hyrdreigon, Cecil needed an answer to Dark/Dragon types and the part fairy Mimikyu made the most sense! Bubu got more rowdy the more Dragons they battled and nowadays if they see anything resembling one, its on sight.

Jin would say her giant angry carp turned even more giant angry sea serpent.
And in a funny turn of fate, her own daughter would also end up training violent and dangerous beasts of her own when she takes responsibility for a few past paradoxes.

Avian's would be his galarian gym team outside of his charizard as a whole. Its the equivalent of being a middle manager being given a new team of people who don't like each other and strict deadlines you're expected to deliver on.

For Estella its definitely her Koraidon. They have a connection but it still took a lot of time for that bond to be fully realized.

Mariah’s Haxorus was the hardest bc she met him when she was still a bit inexperienced as a trainer and he had been abused by humans and other Pokemon for a long time before he met her…Even though she was able to successfully capture him and tried to show him she wasn’t a threat, he wouldn’t listen to her, so she had to get help from the dragon masters Iris and Drayden

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