RhymewithRay · 12 answers · 1y

What did your oc study in university/college (if they went)?

Briar has quite the Academic experience! She graduated high school earlier than usual (because she skipped grades), and she studied Biology in Kalos. :) She then studied Engineering in Paldea and traveled back to Kalos to get a PhD in Synthetic Pokémon Biology!

I like to think that during her first years in Galar she also studied something that had to do with Programming lol so she's been studying most of her life (which is something she likes, she's very academia-driven)

Mariah studied Biology and Music for her Undergrad, then she got her MBA!

Still deciding what Andre would have studied 🤔

Though I've alluded to it, I've never actually stated specifics:
Dusk took up a standard course in pokemon raising and field research, which lead to Project Rebecca and his thesis on Pokemon and relation to the modern world, and eventually a professorship in the understanding of Dire Pokemon.
Dawn took up mythos and history while also dabbling some in psychology as a minor study, ultimately leading to her professorship of the Heroes Heart phenomena and researcher for the Olivux Lorekeeper's Guild.

Heather studied astronomy and astrophysics! She travelled abroad to Hoenn just to study there since she originally wanted to become an astronaut in Mossdeep.

Tyler hasn't enrolled in College yet, as he's about to graduate High School. But when he eventually (gets forced to) goes, he'll probably study up on Meteorology and Geology

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