Kael. · 14 answers · 12mo

tell me how you deal with sadness.

Feeling like I might just cry it all out until there's nothing left, then dive into a deep sleep for the rest of the day.

Jujur saya aja enggak tau gimana, kalau saya sedih biasanya saya berusaha distraksi kesedihan itu dengan dengar lagu, baca novel, bacaan apapun dan tidur kalau semuanya sudah enggak bisa manjur.

Cry untill tired. Tapi biasanya aku nyari sesuatu buat ngedistrak kesedihan aku sih

kalo lagi waras sometimes i cope it by allowing myself to experience the sadness. kalo lagi sedih sampai bikin dada sesak ya rasain aja sambil ngatur nafas.

I accept the sadness itself, while understanding that this feeling of sadness is valid.

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