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Shan · 8 answers · 3mo

Should we force long term sick colleagues back to work?

Yeah, even the ones on their death beds should at least be required to work remotely.

How shitty would that be? And it is against human rights, local laws, worker laws, contract laws, and the list is long what that behaviour could lead to. And who in his mind would force a sick worker to come back into office or production for instance and infect everybody else too? Or sit there with a sickness that prevents any meaningful work or productivity? Only a lunatic manager could come up with such?

Really depends on the work location, if it's a restaurant cook or waiter(ess), then no. I dont want them sneezing or coughing into my food. Same with retail employees - if your job involves touching food in any sense, stay home until you are well

Office jobs however, that might be a different story.

I think employers should be able to request regular doctors health assessments in order to keep an employee on their pay role and terminate employment when that evidence isn't presented and they refuse to return to work. Generally speaking you can't force people to do anything but I think those terms are fair and would protect an organisation from any unfair dismissal charges.

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