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Guest · 2mo

menurut kamu apa dalam hubungan itu penting buat satu sama lain belajar masing-masing love language? terutama buat mereka yang punya love language bertolak belakang?

Reign · 5mo

I hope there will always be happiness in every step you take cantikku sayang. 🥰

Oh to bump into this message after a long week. I love you so much! Hoping happiness will follow every step you make. 🤍

Reign · 7mo

You are sleeping now but I am dropping by just to say that aku sayang banget sama kamu. Sleep tight cantikku.

You are working now but I’m replying to say that aku juga sayaaaaang sama kamu. Semangat kerjanya, doc ganteng! >.<

Reign · 8mo

5 things about you that you are proud of (that you haven’t told me before).

Is opening my cards: 1. I can sing to High School in Jakarta without getting tongue-tied, 2. Surrounded by positive environment at work, 3. Regularly doing IELTS speaking lessons everyday no matter how tired I am #superproud, 4. Constantly setting goals although I’m not sure about when will I reach them, 5. I’m naturally good at cooking without measuring the ingredients.

Guest · 8mo

Halo, ini hate speech pertamamu. Dan semoga terakhir.

evelyne · 7 answers · 9mo

if you were to associate me with flowers, what would i be? c:

G. · 15 answers · 12mo

Absen yang baru sadar Aottacca suspeng. ✋🏻

Guest · 1y

Kalo aku di matamu gimana, Gu?

Kamu di mataku tuh kayak figur orang softspoken yang selalu berusaha ngasih energi positif buat orang di sekitar kamu. Cara kamu ngomong, cara kamu bercanda, semuanya mindful. Aku yakin sih orang kaya Ucing ini banyak banget yang sayang, so please keep doing things you love and smile a lot.

🦋 · 1y

Narcissa di mata kamu itu gimana?

Lately kita jadi makin deket and I discovered more about you, kamu orangnya tenang, tapi bisa tantrum (in a calm way) juga. Rada private gitu orangnya? Tapi that’s just you. You’re like a sister yang beda umurnya ga jauh gitu and it feels secure to put my trust you. Semoga kita masing-masing dapet satu Mingyu.

Maisie Ivory · 1y

What makes you feel most alive?

Ngobrol sama orang that I count as my closest ones. At least I feel like my existence is being seen. Kadang capek sebenernya that I have to talk to make my existence means to me tapi gimana ya this is perempuan sappy usia 20an.

Audine Ysabelle. · 1y

Thoughts on Audine.

Hey, kalo baca nama kamu tuh langsung kebayang kata “cantik” and you are the embodiment of your beautiful name. Kalem gitu pembawaannya, kalemnya kaya nular. It seems like I can never curse on you walaupun cuma bercanda. Energinya positif banget and I hope you are surrounded by people as positive as you.

Maisie Ivory · 1y

Ikut kepo aku di mata teteh kayak gimana

Di mataku tuh kamu kaya dd yang must protect banget, tipikal yang perhatian —mau kamu lagi sibuk ataupun engga, that’s your best quality, methinks. Rada lemot kadang tapi tth tetep sayang Didi.

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