Wasserpistole · 11 answers · 3y

How was your life from the age of 13-18? If you don't want to write much, you can also rate it from 1-10. 10 means perfect.

New country, new language, dirt poor, puberty setting in... it was a difficult, discouraging, self esteem killing, unfashionable, hairy, greasy, loserish mess.

It wasn't that bad, I got bigger than my mother and kicking my ass became too much work for her and I could just stay out of the house/avoid her more plus I was earning my own money (you better believe I was paying bills) and we were just kinda roommates at that point, no emotional investment in each other at all... I wasn't truly fucked up until I left home and discovered how actual functional families worked and shit I'd been through was not in fact common

I was gonna say 10, but 10 based on the 0-10 numeric pain rating scale they use in hospitals. So 0 means "It's goin' great" and 10 means "Ow mommy"

It was all over the place... from 13-15 I'd say it was a 8.5, then from 15-18 it was anywhere from 7 at its best and a 2 at its worst. It got pretty bad for a fair bit of those years.

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