Wasserpistole · 9 answers · 3y

You have to change the color of your hair. What color would you choose? Blonde, black, brown or red?

I know what my hair looks like in shades of all of those colors except blonde. I think I'd look the worst blonde, too, so blonde. Like platinum. Basically white. The texture of hey. That's what I'm looking for. I want to be able to flip my hair in someone's face and scratch an eye out.

I’ve always wanted to go blonde but it would just look weird on me. My hair is a very dark brown anyway, I’ve already done the red thing and black would make me look like the girl from the ring.

So basically I’ll just shave it off and be bald 🤷🏻‍♀️

I've always wanted light brown hair. But I'll never bleach my jet black hair (which apparently I'd have to do to change my hair to any colour).

Bottle blonde is a bit overdone, and red is hard to pull off. I'm starting with black, so lightening it up a bit to brown would be the best option, if I wanted a change.

I like the reds, but it washes out too quickly. Caramel or dark blond highlights please.

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