Wasserpistole · 12 answers · 4y

Is there anything that happened in your life that you would like to forget?

Plenty of stuff I wish didn't happen, but I don't want to forget anything that did happen.

Yup, I have lots of unpleasant childhood memories. I always try to forget 'em but they don't go away very easily.

This sounds like selective dementia. *Imagine you did forget- Would that mean you'd be more likely to live it again and re-learn from the experience? -Sure some parts of the past are horrid memories but without them breaking parts away and building character odds are the knowledge we hold to be true wouldn't seem as is. lol Sure like could have been better but hey that's why we have the here and now to make a brighter tomorrow :D (#optimisticOverload) What are your thoughts on the question?

yes there are some memories that make me cringe and its not useful to keep these particular memories

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