Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

Whats your plan?

I don't want to be overly ambitious, but my plan is to not drink myself sick. that's it

Rich is the wheelman, Red and Jules are crowd control, Bex is watching for heroes behind the counter, Tommy's on the safe, I've got a buyer lined up in Antwerp, everyone will have their cut in 3 days

After I did my dishwashing minutes ago my plan is now a Daiquiri, sofa and a fluffy blanket.

Wir sind ne Boyband. Der Bunker ist nur Tarnung. Groupies werden ohnmächtig ich mache Arsch zu Mund Beatmung. / Get healthy and lose weight.

Right now I plan on cooking myself something to eat then finish snapping these molex adapters to my PSU.

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