Daniel · 14 answers · 4y

Do you respect the religious beliefs of others?

I respect the person and their right to have those beliefs, but I'm under no obligation to respect the actual beliefs.

Up to a point. But if it doesn't really follow societal norms and hurts other people - you've lost me.

As long as they respect mine and don't be using it to behave shitty in the name of some God...

I don't care what people believe, all I ask is that they keep their ritual sacrifices quiet and not screaming all hours of the night, or maybe find a willing one jeez SMH

generally, yea. I certainly don't make people defend their views and interrogate them on it like I did in my 15 year old militant atheism phase. only time I have a problem with religious beliefs is when there is a specific belief that is steeped in sexism, homophobia, or just being a questionable person in general, but even then its not something I like to argue about.

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