Daniel · 9 answers · 4y

Do we live in a dystopia?

I don't know about other people but I certainly do live in a dystopian society full of religious asshats.

Recalls The Handmaid’s Tale. Not yet, although I kind of feel like a “Martha”. 😂

not til it starts drastically affecting white mid to upper middle class people

Not even close. Not in England at least. Its been pretty close in places like Bosnia, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Somalia and Venezuela in recent history though.

I think dystopia is defined as an offset relative to/worse than current society, so no, although relative to life on some other planets this is most likely a dystopia/total hell-hole.

Since the Zombies took over government in many nations it is an unexpected and yet unwritten dystopian narrative, but it is not clear if the voters voting for zombies are zombies themselves, so doom might lure around the corner still, but it would not be a classical dystopian doom, but who cares?

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