Daniel · 11 answers · 3y

Do you want to get married?/Are you married? Why?

Yes, I am. My husband and I are somewhat traditional in that sense. We believed that for us, it was the next step in our commitment to each other and the way we felt best to continue to share our lives and have a family together. Living together or having children before marriage was not something either of us wanted. Do we believe that ours is the right way or judge other couples for doing things differently? Not at all. It’s what we wanted and felt right for us. Different strokes for different folks.

if I found the right person then sure. tax benefits n such. also I just wanna be able to refer to "my wife" casually in passing so everyone knows I am gay

No and no. I have personal commitments that do not need the support of the taxpayer or control by law or church. They are my business and nobody elses and basically nobody should put their nose inside this.

I'm not, but I would marry under the right circumstances - not something I need though

It's nothing that I have in my to do list. I don't need a paper to prove my commitment to someone or my love.

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