Daniel · 12 answers · 3y

What do you envy the other sex for?

Lmao, the OTHER sex? Lol wow, so i guess the PC squad is taking over here too??? This "more than one sex" BS has gone far enough, stop trying to erase sex ! Ask any 6th grader who's read a nondescript biology book and they'll learn you something ! There's only one sex, it's missionary and in the dark.

Not having to put up with the whole bleeding/trying not getting pregnant/hormonal nightmare/reproductive thing.

not having an entire history of being vilified, controlled, kept out of educational, professional, and political realms. idk. seems kinda nice

I don’t. In fact, if I had the choice, I would want to want to be reborn as a woman again.

Less expectation to be the breadwinner and push the family name into better status. Better support against abuse. More socially acceptable to take on low paying chill jobs or not working at all. Favourable opportunities due to diversity quotas. Easier to find willing sexual partners. Lower criteria to attract partners.

Easy entry to places like the clubs just bc they're a gurl and have a smokin'... Personali--bawdy 😒

Not having periods, low self-care maintenance, they can wear minimal clothing and still look presentable. Also not having to cross your legs all the time.

Not having to bleed once a month or being judged or questioned for almost everything (sexual life, clothes, appearance, jobs, life decisions...)

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