Daniel · 13 answers · 4y

What do you think is the first impression that most people have when they see you?

I’ve no idea what kind of impression I make on people. I suppose it’s different depending on the person. I try to be friendly and personable, but who knows what kind of biases/experiences the other person may have that may affect that. Doesn’t matter if I’m a ripe juicy peach. Not everyone likes peaches. 🤷🏻‍♀️

When I asked that question most people put forward a polite lie so I assume I'm not making an impressive first impression.

When they see me, I couldn't guess. It probably depends heavily on how I'm dressed. People have told me they thought I was iNtImIdAtInG when they first interacted with me, but idk how much that had to do with visuals. Sometimes I stg I can see a, "jesus give my strength" expression on someone's face when they have to approach me. But maybe that's just the way they feel before they approach anyone.

That I'm docile or a pushover. People always react surprised if I respond to them aggressively.

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