Daniel · 9 answers · 3y

Did you watch the nightsky to see the great conjunction of jupiter and saturn or do you not care about something like that?

I didn't see it. The fact that they're still hundreds of millions of miles away from each other even at their closest is kind of a SAD I tried so hard and got so far, but in the eND it doesn't even matter situation for them. And now everyone is staring? Rude. Give them some PRIVACY at LEAST

I was swamped with work last week. I just read about it on the news. However, even if I had time I don't think I'd spend it watching the night sky tbh.

I'm interested and watched online, fun fact: the next conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is Halloween 2040 - aliens, ghosts and goblins, it's all going down

I tried to see it, all I managed to do was to get a small piece of glass stuck in my foot.

Yeah!! The open sickle of the Moon with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in line with the "mouth" was spectacular. It looked as if the Moon would swallow the planets like candy drops.

I wanted to see it because the pictures i saw were pretty, but i think i missed the window

I actually forgot about it, but I wouldn't be able to watch it anyways, I live in a hilly area

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