Daniel · 12 answers · 3y

What is the last item that you have bought?

Mares scuba fins, mask and neoprene booties set. pretty good deal and work well too!"

$70 on hotdogs at Universal Studios. I love how overpriced food is at amusement parks.

I went to supermarket a couple of hours ago and bought a bunch of stuff. The last item I picked was a red orange juice.

A trash can, cleaning supplies, kitty litter, and some grocery items. Exciting stuff.

16 ounces of cappuccino Jelly Belly jelly beans. Actually that was the last item I bought for me. After that I bought a milk frother for my niece's birthday.

A 3.5 lb jump rope. Apparently it burns 1000 calories an hour. I can barely do 25 jumps in a row.... but it’s nice to dream

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