Daniel · 9 answers · 2y

What's your favourite alcholic drink?

If I want to keep drinking without passing out, beer (Elysian dust). If I want a strong buzz, tequila shots (silver patron). And if I want to get fffffffed up, Long Island iced tea.

I really don’t “naturally” crave alcohol. Months and months (even years) could go by w/o me taking a single sip of alcohol. I drink alcohol more as a part of socializing and when I do I prefer a sweet mixed drink. Wine usually gives me a headache and beer makes me feel bloated. I don’t typically drink more than ✌🏼 drinks. Maybe 3 if I’ve got a wild hair up my bum that evening.

White Russian if I want to drink a lot, if I just want to sip, Mr Stacks cinnamon schnapps or Ole Smokey apple pie moonshine.

That changes often. As of right now, I have a taste for whisky sours and old fashioned

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