Daniel · 8 answers · 2y

Do you also think BEN/Jason aka Heloise should be permabanned after all he has done in the past?

As long as the same old people keep enabling him he’ll keep on coming back. And as long as those same old people don’t say anything he disagrees with they won’t be on the receiving end of his racist/homophobic/religious/transphobic tirades. It’s as simple as that. They know who they are. They obviously don’t care about the horrible things he says to other users, as long as he’s being nice to them.

Just ignore him and roll your eyes when people who should know better answer his questions!

And never forget he served in the Israeli Army, while simultaneously being unable to understand Hebrew.

Yes lol. He's racist, homophobic, transphobic, and just batshit weird. Who makes 60 accounts over the course of several years on the same site pretending to be someone else each time? something is not right in the ol noggin.

I haven't been here long enough to see all what they did, but I'm sure you can explain everything to me, honey Daniel!

Yes. He is has been incredibly racist on so many occasions too. That in itself, other than the harassment, should lead to a permaban.

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