Daniel · 8 answers · 2y

What made you mad recently? Me: My team mates dying in monster hunter rise, causing the quest that we were on to fail after we have already fought the monster for over 15 minutes

Maybe a few days ago when my mom asked my niece when she got home how her visit was, and my niece, in her typical style, completely ignored her and said nothing because she's a bitch.

When it came out that the government here has been having parties during the lockdowns and restrictions that the rest of us had to obey. Meanwhile, parents were having to choose which one of them should be by their child's side as they died, and people couldn't go to their loved ones' funerals.

I discussed with my boss a pressing issue and he fails to recognise it for what it is. It's mad.

I totally forgot I had that game... Also, work and coworkers being complete tools

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