Daniel · 9 answers · 2y

Were you ever emotionally touched by a painting?

Not that I remember. But one time I was really impressed by a painting I saw at a gallery because the roses in it were a dark, deep red color that I didn't remember ever having seen before. I guess it's something monitors can't reproduce. I considered buying it for $90 or whatever it was.

Yes. It was an original painting of the Virgen Mary by an unknown artist (to me). I discovered it by chance when I went to go buy a rosary for my daughter’s holy communion. I never got to see it afterwards because the shop closed not too long after that. It’s been about 10 years and I still think about that painting often. It was so strikingly beautiful to me.

Someone painted one for me once, I loved it, and in exhibit 67,987 of my 'There is a God, and He Hates Me' collection, it was destroyed in a flood - perhaps it was symbolic though, it was a painting of us sitting together on a beach facing the water, with her arm around me, and we don't talk anymore

Yes, many times by this particular painting - https://render.fineartamerica.com/images/rendered/default/print/7.5/8/break/images-medium-5/vladimir-tretchikoff-the-chinese-girl-the-green-lady-krystal-.jpg. Which emotion did I feel? Terror. I felt terror. My grandparents had it hanging in their bedroom and my grandfather thought it was funny to hold a tiny screaming me right up to it. It still gives me the creeps today…

It may be surprising to know, but I have artwork all over my house. Quite a lot of pictures move me, and I'm fortunate enough to own a few that do.

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