Daniel · 12 answers · 2y

Are you willing to fight and die for your country?

For my country particularly hell no for myself yes don't give a shit about death itself ain't really much good about living regardless willing to fight and die living how I want and doing what needs to be done including "dangerous risks" ain't living a shittier or harder life just to stay alive

No thank you. I’m not going to be cannon fodder for a bunch of rich, old, white dudes. They can send their own children. Fight our “freedom” my 🍑… More like fight for their vested interests.

Not particularly. I would fight and die for my family but for the country. Hopefully I never have too🙂

Not in a million years. I'd be more likely to join the invading forces rather than defend the mullahs.

I'm willing to fight and probably die for the people I know and love. Without them a country is nothing.

For THIS country, that would cut me open an sell my spleen for a nickel? I wish I would, this country deserves whatever it gets

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